Out of the Blocks

Out of the Blocks is an FSEM initiative created by SEM consultants, which supports new SEM consultants in your first 5 years of practice.

The first five years of practice is a challenging transitional period; particularly as new SEM consultants work in a variety of settings with a wide scope of practice.


Learn about the aims and purpose behind the Out of the Blocks initiative

Join Out of the Blocks

Out of the Blocks is currently available to new SEM consultants.

Support Networks

Peer to peer support networks can be invaluable and are a key element of Out of the Blocks.

Education & Resources

We provide educational materials and resources that are specifically designed to meet the needs of new consultants.

The Committee

Out of the Blocks is run by a committee of elected new SEM consultants from across the UK.

Contact Us

Learn more about the initiative or contact the committee.