FSEM response to Darzi Report

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK (FSEM) welcomes Lord Darzi’s report on the state of the NHS in England.

This report confirms the vulnerable state the NHS is in whilst acknowledging the compassion and care that remains at the heart of the staff within the organisation. It confirms that Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are one of the largest causes of work prevention across the UK and that our population are living with poorer health and more long-term conditions. Many of these conditions, including MSK problems, are both treatable and preventable. The potential benefits of physical activity in the prevention and management of chronic disease are clear. Preventative healthcare aimed at increasing physical activity would help reduce to the growing pressure on existing NHS services.

Lord Darzi’s recommendations include improved multi-disciplinary working, more community delivered care and empowering patients to take control in their care. Approaches towards this are addressed in the published FSEM workforce planning document, which recommends an increase in SEM consultants, specialist training posts and increased SEM involvement in commissioning MSK services nationally.

The Faculty are also supportive of the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA), who also welcomed this publication, and the government’s commitment to a reformation and implementation of a long-term NHS plan.

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